
Estimated Age 11y as per 25/03/21
Sex Male
Breed Indie
Weight 22.1kgs
Spayed/neutered Yes
Vaccinated Up to date (Records Available)
Personality Bhola is a male indie dog. He is a sweet senior dog who was taken in by our shelter in September 2020. Bhola is a senior dog and he was taken in because he suffers from a tumour. The tumour cannot be operated upon, and therefore Bhola has become a permanent member of the KAW family. Bhola is a calm and relaxed senior dog. He loves to spend time by himself and snooze in the sun. He is a very confident dog and he easily warms up to people. He does well with adults and enjoys having space to himself. Bhola stays strong in his battle with his tumour and his vaccinations are up to date. Bhola is being taken care of at our shelter and is looking for a sponsor to aid him in his journey!
Available for adoption in Delhi NCR & Overseas (USA, Canada)
Available for fostering in Delhi NCR.
At KAW, all dogs live in a kennel-free environment and co-exist with the 120+ dogs at the shelter. As the shelter currently works only with dogs, we cannot comment on the behaviour around cats, other small animals, or the prey drive. Once moved into a home there can be a shift in behaviour due to the new environment and personalized attention.
Reach out to [email protected] for additional queries. .